Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Got a day to spare? Here is some interesting viewing

I have been familiar with the Crash Course by Chris Martenson for a few months: 

and recently also watched the Thrive movie

And just last night the Second Zeitgiest Movie

I would recommend that everyone watches all three of these (yes it will take some time). They are coming from totally different angles, meet in the middle that they identify the root cause of the problems (Money as Debt etc.) but then go off in somewhat different directions to propose solutions.

Crash Course is all science/facts/realism that we have burned through nearly all of our resources now. It is a big commitment in time and if you want to go even deeper there is a very good book of the same name available too. That has a huge set of references back to all the source material. Chris is a scientist so it is all very rigorous.

The Zeitgiest view is that if we only lean to be nice to each other we have sufficient left to properly exploit solar/geothermal etc. so really have less need for the things in increasing scarcity. The remaining oil and gas needs to be treated as a raw material not something to be burnt! Responsible stewardship of the finite planet is of course vital.

The thing that I think is going to be a brake on full scale adoption of the Zeitgiest ideas by the general population is the anti-religion stance. Getting people to radically change the way we live without the carrot & stick of religion may be difficult.

Thrive is very spiritual in contrast. It is very linked to the whole UFO culture and hints that there are new forms of energy (not just wind, solar etc) that the development of which has been suppressed by vested interests. This may be true, but would require the operation of a huge conspiracy to keep going.

All three of these have very good points to bring to the discussion of where the human race goes next. Staying as we are is just not an option, the current system is a sinking ship. This needs to be drummed into the head of every corrupt politician.

Something that can be done quite easily in the short term is the push to roll back the creeping boundaries of Intellectual Property - this is a barefaced attempt by the few to create artificial scarcity. A scarcity of ideas and knowledge. Please spread the word about the next pan European protest against ACTA on 9th June -

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